Blueprint Coaching Programme

The AXIA Blueprint Coaching Programme is an intensive skills training programme delivered live from our London Trading premises with 2 sessions a week.

The Weekly Coaching Sessions are broken up into two main parts:

  1. Friday Gym Sessions [GYM] that EDGE Hacks the most recent week where we evaluate as a group and use proprietary questioning techniques that we give everyone so they can build deep skill over the weekend. We also provide replay drills and practice to build your pattern recognition coordination.
  2. Monday Coaching Sessions [WCS] that dive deeper into patterns and plays and skill approaches depending on the focus month on the calendar.

This is our Think Tank and Incubation room where we align ourselves to the best practices of what’s working now among our entire group of traders across all the main 4 EDGE areas of the AXIA Trading group.

The primary purpose of the training is to develop a critical and rigorous process framework for cultivating “deep pattern edge”. The workshop sessions are led by trading coaches, many of our traders and Senior trading floor mentors who critically dissect the top patterns from the day and week and show how to cement the structure of the market from the conscious faculty to the unconscious domain so that future pattern recognition skills become instinctual and intuitive. These workshops are compulsory for all our junior traders for accelerating market pattern development based upon three key tenets.

  1. Contextual market positioning planning
  2. Order flow accessing
  3. Macro landscape sensitivity narrative development

Upon this foundational framework, we develop market edge from grass root level up. This training is for those who are serious about learning how to develop their pattern inventory and modes of how to access their plays with a highly leveraged skew in their favour. The Blueprint Coaching Programme also allows those who are part of this Elite Pattern development training to visit our trading premises twice a month and sit in on the workshops in-person in our training room.

This training is applicable to those that have graduated from our 6-week Career Trader Training programme or completed all 4 of our on-demand EDGE Courses.

Access to the workshops is £997 per calendar month. If you are interested in attending the workshops please contact us at [email protected] in order to assess your eligibility.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons


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