7-Part Elite Trader Training Workshop Series

This is a compilation of workshops centred around one of AXIA Elite Traders including interviews with this trader and how he looks at markets that resulted in him recently executing an incredible $900,000 trade on the Emini S&P 500 Futures market.

In this workshop series we explore how he plans for the market, how he reviews and how he develops trade ideas. This is a first of its kind workshop series entering into the mind of an incredibly successful Elite Trader.

This workshop also includes one of the traders he mentors that has developed into a very successful trader delivering workshops to our junior traders.

Also Alex, AXIA’s co-founder, evaluates one of his trades in which we recorded his live execution.

This AXIA Elite trader has been instrumental in developing many of our traders frameworks and trading methodologies and has been responsible in building other top traders around him.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons


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