Trading is risky. Most traders lose money. Read disclaimer.

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About Us

Axia Futures started with a group of ambitious individuals who appreciate independent thinking and most importantly the value of ethics, honesty and friendship. We are a community of traders who are also close friends that share the same ideology on how to develop trading talent. For too long, training programmes across the city have become stale and dormant by not evolving with the changing market environment.

We know that to stay ahead of market opportunity, we need a community that shares this ethos of constant reinvention and that is why we have started Axia Futures. We are not only Educators but also Traders and thus what is best for us will ensure the best for our community.

As a collective group of successful traders, with a combined experience of 50 years on our London and Limassol Trading Floors, we know what is required to be successful so we ensure that all parts of our training reflect these fundamental characteristics.


Our Mission is to change the Trader Training Landscape and to develop World Class Traders. We employ the best people and technologies and ensure that traders learn effectively and rapidly, and acquire the fundamental skills for consistency in their trading. We also focus on trader skill development and understanding, by using advanced proprietary technologies to rapidly enhance trader’s ability to recall market patterns and to develop trading strategies that cater for a person’s unique personality and temperament.


Our Vision is to be trailblazers in the space of trader skill development and world leaders in cultivating and unearthing the next wave of super star traders. We will create a global community of formidable traders that are relentlessly determined in extracting the most money in the financial markets. Our community of traders will achieve this by developing a process, belief and discipline to tackling the markets with energy and conviction.


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